My Heart Beat: Woman in Crisis
As far back as I can remember, I have looked at life through a camera’s lens and immediately transformed that mind’s-eye snapshot into seeing myself, brush in hand, capturing that story on the easel mounted canvas.
A picture does paint a thousand words and more, conveying feelings and emotion like no other medium. This is the venue I have chosen to tell my story, the journey and the seasons of life on that traveled terrain. It is also the venue in which I have chosen to tell your story, whatever season you find yourself traveling.
Through the course of life, we walk, crawl, climb, fall, pick ourselves back up and run through different seasons! Challenges and hurdles are thrown at us in life; our attitude in facing them and how we chose to deal with the matters of the heart, effects how we maneuver through those seasons of life!!!
I have been through many a storm and life’s ever-changing seasons reaching this stage in life to know I certainly do not stand alone! In the process I have made many discoveries about life, people and myself, but most importantly that there is always new life after the storm! There is renewed potential, new perspective, and GROWTH!
My heart’s desire coming out of my life’s most difficult challenge to date, a tsunami of storms I was not prepared for and at times pushed me to my very limits both physically and emotionally, was to give back what I have received through it, to pay it forward. The hands that reached out to help me in so many ways are the reason I persevered and never gave up! They are the hands that picked me up when I was down! And they are the hands that added their strength when I had none left to give! These helping hands were not only from those that were near and dear to my heart, but at times they were the hands of a complete stranger!
When I reflect on the season and time spent in the eye of the storm, I now see the rewards gained with the right perspective, something that was so hard to see in the middle of the maelstrom. Sometimes in life we need a guide while we are traveling such tumultuous terrain!
One of the many hands that helped me navigate this unfamiliar ground was the Counseling Center at Northway Community. This is one of the directions I have chosen to give back. A percentage of my art sales will be donated to the center to help “Women in Crisis”.
In your seasons of life, may your heart be forever changed by the journey you travel …
May it impact yours, to inspire others…
Artfully yours,
Winter 2018